January 10, 2012

Christmas 2011

Let me just make this simple. I'm assuming you all want to see pictures of my cute kids, and I want to be able to share them with you. To speed things up, I'll summarize Christmas 2011, in one word: BLESSED. If you are like us, you have more than enough, you want for nothing, and you are blessed with more friends and family than you could ever ask for. OK, i just HOPE you guys are as blessed as us. God has supplied all of oru needs, so Christmas is just an overflow of extra blessings that we are so thankful for. We have so many gracious family members and are able to spend so much time with those that we love during the Christmas holidays.

I want to blog about Christmas before I get too far into this week. We have some big court dates coming up soon and covet your prayers. If it's God's will, we will have BIG news to share with you later this week.

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